No matter what season you are in...
Dec 07, 2023I felt called to jump on here and write my heart out to you.
I need you to know that no matter in what season of life you are right now that you are loved, valued and so important.
I have experienced all seasons and in particular after having baby girl Aiko during covid I was in a quiet and low/Winter season. I was harsh on myself for being less productive or for being tired all the time and not finding the energy to follow my calling and creative purposes. I was worried to be left behind and "not making it"
Now that I am more in an up season again let's refer to it as my Summer and I am full of energy and in a mood of giving. One thing I have learnt is that both seasons are so important and one can not exist without the other and more importantly you are worthy in all phases of your seasons. So if you are beating yourself up right now for not being where you want to be know this:
No one is you and there is no such things as being behind in life, because this is your life, uniquely designed for you and no one else and therefore you can't be behind, there is only now and the present moment.
If no one has told you in a while I am here to scream it of the rooftops: YOU ARE LOVED and valued and your existence alone is someones prayers answered.
Let that last sentence settle in: by existing with your uniqueness, strength and love you are someone else’s prayer answered.
So please don't hide yourself or your magic, it's time to feel REALLY GOOD about who you are in all seasons of life, I am here for it and for you.
Love, always Nami x
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